Logan's Love: Dark Side Vampires Vol. 2 Read online

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  He found the house easily as it was perched on one of the secluded manmade hills within the upscale community. He didn’t bother to be stealth or quiet about his arrival. He parked on the front lawn, walked up to the large red front door, and kicked it in, taking it right off its hinges. It fell with a deafening crash as it took out several decorative tables and art pieces on its way across the foyer. It landed half propped against the staircase.

  Logan stepped over the remains of the shredded door frame and entered the home. He could hear frantic voices and headed in that direction. Finding Allan and his shriveled bitch of a wife in the living room, attempting to leave through the sliding glass doors. He fired a few rounds into the wall next to them as a warning, and he quickly blocked their exit.

  Allan hung on to his wife’s arm and cowered in Logan’s presence. “What do you want?” Jean shrieked as she tried to use the phone to call the authorities, no doubt, but Allan was smart enough to stop her.

  “We can’t call anyone.” He stated emphatically and tore the phone away from her.

  “You may leave,” Logan told Jean. He didn’t hurt women even if they needed to be hurt. It wasn’t his style even though Jean was as much a part of Ashton’s trauma as Allan. Allan would keep her in line. “If you so much as say the word police, I will snap your neck.” He hissed as she scurried away.

  Logan waited for Jean to leave the room before rounding on Allan and grabbing him by the front of his shirt. He lifted the man off his feet before tossing him against the wall. Allan stumbled but regained his footing and stayed with his back against the wall. “I’ve done nothing wrong. Why are you here? I’m paying my debt to John Dyer, so why did he send you?”

  “This has nothing to do with your debt and everything to do with your son Ashton,” Logan stated cold and dark.

  Allan bristled immediately. “I have nothing to do with that stupid, little brat. His problems are his own, and I will not be held responsible.” He was going to say more, but Logan’s hand wrapped around his throat brought his rant to a sputtering halt.

  “Shut your fucking mouth,” Logan told him between gritted teeth. He held him there, silent for a few beats before continuing. “That beautiful young man belongs to me now, and if you ever lay a hand on him again, I will kill you.” Logan watched the shock followed by panic take over Allan’s features. “How dare you treat someone so perfect with such careless disdain.” Allan was catching on and started nodding rapidly.

  “It was an accident.” Allan tried to claim as Logan loosened his grip.

  “Shut up.” Logan dropped his hand but put his face into Allan’s. “I saw the cut that required fifteen stitches, and I saw all the other marks you left on him. If you ever touch him again, if you ever even say a cross word to him, I will cut you open and feed you to the coyotes.”

  “Okay, absolutely, I will never touch him again. Whatever you say.” Allan scrambled to agree with anything and everything Logan was laying out.

  “You will call him and apologize for your anger and insensitivity. You will make him believe your remorse, and you will show him nothing but kindness and respect going forward.” Logan wanted to hurt his man. He wanted to see him scream in pain and bleed as Ashton had bled. This was Ashton’s father, and he had to show restraint unless Allan failed to maintain their agreement. But he couldn’t just let him go after seeing the injuries to his beloved there had to be retribution.

  “I’ll call immediately, and I will never mistreat him again, I swear.”

  “Make sure your wife does likewise. If the stupid bitch hurts him, then I hurt you, remember that.” Logan barked.

  “I will, I will.”

  “Just to make sure you do remember.” Logan grasped Allan’s hand and slowly increased his grip until he felt the bones break, crushed under the pressure. Allan screamed and dropped to his knees, clutching his broken hand. “Better have that looked at,” Logan said as he left the residence.


  Ashton finished his shower in record time, not sure how long Logan would be. He dressed in a fairly snug pair of jeans that he thought made his ass look good and a crisp white long sleeve shirt that covered his wounds. He didn’t want to think about cuts and bruises and the day spent taking the blunt end of his father’s abuse and his mother’s disinterest. He had a man coming for him, a man who was gorgeous and strong and wanted to take him to dinner. He would keep his thoughts there on Logan Brown.

  Having the man show up at his door completely blew him away. He was hoping for a call, but a visit was ten times better. Logan had wanted to see him, and that was an ego boost like nothing else. Ashton wasn’t sure what the guy saw in him, but he wasn’t about to look this gift horse in the mouth.

  Logan hadn’t said where they were going, but he was pretty sure he was dressed good enough for most places. Logan had been dressed in jeans and a sweater, so he would stop stressing over his looks and finish getting ready for his date would be arriving soon.

  He was just finishing brushing his teeth and putting some sort of style to his hair when his cell began to ring. It was lying on the bed, and he walked over and looked down at it to see who was calling. His heart dropped when he saw that it was his father calling.

  He tried to convince himself that he didn’t have to answer for several seconds, but conditioning pushed him to answer the call. Holding his breath, he opened the call.


  Logan parked by the curb and hurried up the stairs taking them two at a time, eager to see his beloved now that the threats to Ashton’s safety had been dealt with. Standing in front of his door, Logan took a couple deep breaths ridding himself of the anger that had embraced him at first seeing the injury on his beloved’s arm. Allan Webb would no longer be an issue, so his lover was safe. His vampire nature was appeased, and his entire demeanor relaxed as he knocked.

  When the door opened, he was blessed with a smile that warmed his soul and melted his heart. Ashton was lovely, just lovely. “You look wonderful, my love. Are you ready to go?” He slipped his arm around Ashton’s shoulders and dropped a quick kiss on his lips. Ashton moved in close and accepted every intimacy. Things were moving along nicely as their bond began to take shape.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.” He was smiling but sounded a bit off.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I just had a call from my father. He apologized for the way he treated me today.” Ashton was shaking his head. “I’m twenty-one, and never in my life has my father apologized for anything. He hit me with his car when I was fifteen and broke my leg and told me it was my own damn fault for not getting out of the way fast enough. This is kind of blowing my mind right now, but it was nice finally to hear him say he was sorry about something.”

  Ashton continued to relay a few more stories of abuse by his father, clearly illustrating to Logan what a steaming pile of shit that man was. If there were many more instances to relate, Logan wasn’t sure how long he would be able to resist going back and killing the fucking loser.

  “Wow, an apology from my father and dinner with you, my day couldn’t get any better. Considering how it started, this is a stellar ending.” Logan opened the car door and helped Ashton get seated. He was eating up the pure joy that was coming off the man, and it was chasing away all the dark thoughts. His beloved was an absolute delight.

  “I’m glad I rate high on the good time scale.” Logan laughed as he seated himself behind the wheel, and they pulled from the curb.

  “Tops, you are tops.” Ashton laughed, and the sound elicited a physical sensation that thrilled and gratified. Experiencing his beloved in such a splendid mood made his day. He wanted to ask about his arm, and if he was in any pain but didn’t want to bring it up in case it resulted in dampening the mood. All he was sensing was joy coming from his beloved, so he decided to leave well enough alone.

  Logan chose a mid-range restaurant with good food, and a laid-back environment, hoping to impress bu
t not look pretentious. They were seated in the back at an intimate private table that Logan had arranged for earlier. He wanted time and intimacy with his beloved now that a few of Ashton’s oppressors were out of the way.

  Once their drinks were served, Logan ventured a few questions hoping to gain some insight into his beloved without looking like he was interrogating him. “How long have you worked at Knight’s Jewelry?”

  “A little over three years, I started there my senior year of high school.” Ashton had told him a few things earlier such as wanting to become a buyer for the store but hadn’t gone into details.

  “How long till you get a chance at applying to become a buyer?” He was just curious as to the time frame and if he could be of any help.

  “There may be an opening next year. The current buyer has an assistant, and she supposedly is leaving to start her own shop, but I have no idea when that will be.” Ashton sounded equally excited and disappointed. “The manager, Mr. Ward, said he’d keep me posted.”

  “I hope it happens for you soon.” Logan was completely sincere, although he tried to think of ways of moving things along for him. He’d discuss it with John and Race and see if they have any suggestions.

  “What about you? Have you always been a bartender? Are they any other careers that you aspire to?” Ashton turned the questions on him as he continued to smile. Logan fell for him more and more with each passing minute. This was his beloved, and he felt truly blessed to have been given such a man.

  “I’ve been tending bar at the Dark Side for over fifty years. It’s who I am and what I do can’t imagine doing anything else.” Logan answered just as their meals arrived. Once the waitress had left, Ashton laughed and responded.

  “Fifty years, you look a little young to have worked at the Dark Side that long. But I understand sometimes life really seems to drag.”

  “You’d be surprised at how old I am.” Logan teased

  “How old are you?”

  “I’ll tell you later.” Logan winked, and they both tucked into their meals.


  Ashton was enjoying his time with Logan. Usually, he felt tongue-tied or just plain awkward around good looking guys. Logan was the hottest man he’d ever dated, and yet he felt so comfortable with him. He listened, and he seemed to be interested in everything Ashton had to say. It was lovely being so noticed and appreciated two things with which he had very little experience.

  For dessert, Ashton ordered apple pie with ice cream, and Logan did the same. “After dinner, I’d like to take you for a walk in Tower Grove Park. It’s relaxing and beautiful, and we can walk off some of our dinner. It’s not far.”

  “Yes, that would be nice, thank you.” Ashton saw no reason to end their date too soon. This might be the last time he would be with Logan considering their lives ran in very different directions. He intended to make the most of their time together and make it last as long as possible. A walk in the park sounded fantastic.

  He was under no delusion that this relationship was going to grow into anything. They were enjoying each other for the moment, but the time would come very soon, no doubt, that Logan would move on. He was a bartender at the Dark Side; he would not wrap his life around a jewelry store sale associate whose baggage had already become painfully obvious. A malicious boss and cruel parents, not something Logan would want to deal with on a daily basis.

  The memory of last night and then his father’s attacks today dampened his mood slightly. The apparent change in his father was pleasant but also not something that would persist. Allan Webb was too self-centered and arrogant to ever make such a permanent change. Ashton pulled out of his thoughts and turned his attention full and focused on the handsome man sitting across from him. He wasn’t going to let memories of Will or his father affect him this evening.


  Logan marveled at the way his beloved opened up to him and relaxed, letting him in and taking such pleasure in just sharing a meal together. His beloved was someone who suffered and yet didn’t allow himself to wallow in the darkness. He accepted the negative and delighted in the positive because that was life. Ashton was an amazing man, and he was pure goodness in Logan’s eyes.

  Now all Logan had to do was convince this amazing man that they were meant for one another in a happily forever after sort of way. Ashton wasn’t pushing him away, so as far as Logan was concerned, that was a green light to go after what belonged to him.

  Their bond was growing, but he could still sense a reserve in Ashton that although he was enjoying their time together, he didn’t see anything long term. That was a consideration that Logan planned to dispel as soon as possible.

  The park wasn’t far from the restaurant, so they walked there rather than taking the car. He held Ashton’s hand as they strode down the sidewalk feeling more satisfied than he had in years having his beloved close and knowing their futures were tied together by Fate.

  Two men approached them, and Logan felt Ashton tense and attempted to pull his hand from Logan’s grip, but he held him firm. Logan knew the men they worked for John down at the docks and were no threat. Logan recognized that they were just respectful by approaching and acknowledging Logan.

  “Good evening, Logan.” They said and nodded their greeting to Ashton.

  “Terry, Dylan.” Logan acknowledged in return, and then everyone continued on their way.

  “Wow, I thought we were going to have some trouble.” Ashton exhaled forcefully once the two men had walked away.


  “They looked rough, and I figured they’d pegged us as gay,” Ashton explained, being cautious with his words.

  “I don’t think our gayness bothered them, Ashton.” Logan chuckled and continued to hold fast to Ashton’s hand.

  “Why not?”

  “Terry and Dylan are a couple.” Logan laughed.

  “No,” Ashton shot him a stunned look. “Those two?”

  “Yes, they work for John in his warehouse on the docks.” Logan released Ashton’s hand and placed his arm around his waist as they entered the park. Ashton leaned into the embrace as they walked. They continued in silence, just taking in the night air and the park's peacefulness for a while.

  After a few minutes, that peacefulness was jarred by a man running directly into Ashton and knocking him sideways and off his feet against Logan. Logan caught him, made sure he was okay, and then dashed after the man who had deliberately bumped into him.

  It was clear to Logan that the man had taken Ashton’s wallet. Ashton didn’t seem to be aware of it, which was probably why he looked so shocked when Logan took off after the guy. He caught the guy easily, and the man instantly became contrite.

  “I didn’t know it was you.” He declared when finally seeing who was holding him by the throat. “I thought he was just some skinny kid. I didn’t know he was with you, honest.” The explanation didn’t wash, and Logan did not abide thieves. This man was a shifter who’d been barred from the Dark Side for picking pockets and general thievery. He knew Logan and his senses would have detected that the skinny kid’s companion was a vampire. He was a bottom feeder with no honor, no loyalty.

  Logan flashed his teeth, and his eyes turned red as he backhanded the man. “Give me the wallet.” He shouted and hit him again, knocking him to his knees. “Give me the wallet.” The man fumbled and quickly handed over the stolen article. Logan grabbed it from him and then hauled the man back to his feet by his throat.

  “You bother me or mine ever again, and it will be the last thing you do in this lifetime. John showed you mercy but don’t expect the same from me.” He said clearly with his nails slightly extended and digging into the man’s bare throat.

  “Never again.” He sputtered frantically. Logan hit him again, knocking the guy flat on his back in the small shrubs that lined the walkway. Logan turned back, and Ashton was right there, not two feet away, witnessing the entire event. He took a step towards him, and Ashton took a step back.

bsp; “Your eyes.” He said softly, taking in every aspect of Logan’s face. “How did you move so fast? I’ve never seen someone run like that.” For lack of anything to say, Logan held out Ashton’s wallet.

  “He took your wallet.”

  “I didn’t even feel his hand in my pocket.” Ashton’s gaze fell to the guy moaning on the ground and then back to Logan. “Should we call the police?”

  “No, he’s just a local thief. Most people know him. He won’t bother you again.” Logan turned back to the guy on the ground. “Get up and get lost.” He told him, and the guy was gone in an instant.

  Ashton took his wallet and slid it back into his pocket. “Thanks.” He said, looking as if he was still not sure of what just took place, but he wasn’t running away or demanding answers, both of which had seemed likely. Instead, he just stopped and stared at Logan for a moment. “There’s a lot more to you than meets the eyes.” It wasn’t a question, so Logan smiled and reached out his hand, and thankfully Ashton took it, and they continued on their walk.


  Ashton held Logan’s hand and wondered what he was getting himself into. The man was so gentle and patient with him, but a wild turbulence bubbled just below the surface. It didn’t scare him. He knew deep in his bones that Logan was no threat to him. He wasn’t sure what was going on here, but he wasn’t afraid. If the guy had wanted to do him harm in any way, he’d had ample opportunity to do so over the past two days.

  Logan was more than a bartender; his influence and his manner spoke to an authority beyond basic labor. He worked for John Dyer, and Ashton began to suspect that included more duties than fixing drinks. “What do you do for John Dyer?” He decided to ask rather than assume. They were seated now near the large fountain, and no one else was around.

  “I primarily work the bar, my job title is head bartender, but I do many things. You’re familiar with John Dyer and the Dark Side.” Ashton nodded. “He has many business interests here and throughout the state even as far away as Kansas. He’s an influential man with a need for personnel with varied skills and abilities. We protect all aspects and holdings of the Dark Side.” He paused and looked at Ashton directly.