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Never Let Me Go Page 3
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Diego found Kingston in one of the few royalty-based covens apart from Coven DuCane still in existence. He was an enforcer with Coven Lancaster in Essex, centuries old but isolated and secretive. Keeping their own company and minding their own business was their slogan, but that ended when Diego scented his beloved while on assignment.
He was in Essex tracking down a kindred of occultists that were working against the best interests of Master Louis DuCane. He was sent to eliminate them which he did, but in the process also discovered the love of his life.
Kingston tried to play it cool at the time, but the heat of his blood was something he could not hide. Kingston found that he could not deny his beloved even when his Master forbid him to bond outside his own coven. That coven had strange and archaic ways, but Fate always prevails and rather than give up his beloved, Kingston gave up his coven.
He turned his back on the only people and family he'd ever known and moved halfway across the world to join Diego at Coven DuCane, that was the power of Fate. Diego trusted Fate then and he trusted Fate now to deliver Benny, their beloved, to them.
Master Hadden returned to the room in which they were being detained and informed them that Benny was well and resting and that he was sorry for causing them trouble. It was comforting to know that their beloved had thought of them and they both settled down, somewhat. Master Hadden also told them that a meeting was set up for eleven in the morning, a supervised meeting with their beloved.
They didn’t ask him any questions, they didn’t want to hear Benny’s thoughts and feelings through a conduit. Waiting until morning was not going to be easy. They were aware of the staff quarters off the kitchen and knew they could find Benny’s room easily enough. They would consider their next move once they were alone.
Benny went to his room as soon as Master Hadden dismissed him. The thought that he’d made such a scene and Master Hadden having to get involved just made him cringe. “They didn’t do anything. I just started freaking out.” He repeated chastising himself for his weakness. “I looked like a helpless idiot.” He took off his vest and tossed it across the room onto his bed. He then unbuttoned his shirt part way and slipped it over his head throwing it on top of the vest.
His wolf was fully out of hiding now and interest in the two assassins was growing. Kingston and Diego, just saying their names made his wolf jump around in his mind. It was acting all antsy and fear was no longer present, although that could change the minute he came face to face with them again. He sat down heavily onto his bed and began unlacing his shoes thinking about what the men had shared with Master Hadden.
They claimed him as their beloved openly. Terror had taken him so quickly that he hadn't made the connection with either of them. But when he saw the blood on Kristof and smelled it, he felt something. His wolf was urging him to go in search of the two vampires, but this was the same wolf who scampered away previously. Was he prepared, did he want this, should he find them? All the questions were crushing his thought process.
He stopped untying his shoes and quickly tied them back up. He wasn’t going to get any sleep or any peace for that matter until he saw these men again. Waiting for a meeting tomorrow was not possible, he’d crawl out of his hide before morning with the pure anxiety of not knowing.
A flurry of considerations bombarded him as he pulled on a crew neck sweater and tried to straighten his unruly wavy hair. He looked at himself in the small mirror by his door and wondered if they would still be interested. His hair was a chocolate brown color and his eyes were the same. He tried to find something distinguishing about himself and came up with nothing. Had he already ruined his chances? Did he want a chance? Fuck! He was so confused, and his flighty wolf was absolutely no help at all.
"I'm not waiting until eleven in the morning to see our beloved," Kingston stated as soon as the door closed behind them. They were now in the room provided to them by the Hadden Coven. Diego placed his finger to his lips and glanced around the room.
Kingston understood, and although his mind was raging against their constraints, he stopped and took a breath while silently searching the suite of rooms for surveillance equipment. It seemed unlikely considering the powers at Master Hadden's fingertips, but they were always careful. When satisfied the room was clear, they continued their discussion.
“We could locate him easily enough but what if he reacts as he did before?” Diego asked while pacing the room a clear indicator that he was no more relaxed about this than Kingston.
“Incapacitate, silence him and steal him out of the Coven.” Kingston was already planning which drug could be used that would cause the least amount of side effects. Something light but powerful enough to knock him out for a while. He saw Diego give him a quick side eye for his suggestion.
“Really Kingston, you want to drug our beloved and kidnap him from his home?”
"What is our other option, besides the insanity of waiting until morning, late morning at that?" Kingston retorted. "What did we do the last time a coven forbade us to see our beloved?" The memory brought a smile to both of them.
“We can’t scare him, and we can’t drug him.” Diego brought them back to the current situation and Kingston shook his head. “Perhaps find his cell number and call him, announce our intent to search him out.” Diego searched for avenues.
“It could take us quite a while to find his number. This Coven doesn’t have a directory.” Kingston commented. He knew he was being unhelpful, but he was still in a grab and run mindset at the moment.
“Now you’re just being impertinent.” That was a chastisement and Kingston felt it. He walked over and took Diego in his arms and kissed him thoroughly. Their love for one another was so deep and so pure nothing had ever compared until the moment they laid eyes on their third, their beloved, Benny.
"I'm sorry," Kingston said when he ended the kiss and held Diego snug in his embrace. "You've always been the more rational, and I agree with you. It's just I feel so helpless and at the mercy of people who are not us. I'm not comfortable with it."
Diego understood Kingston’s struggle for he was feeling it too. He reached around and palmed Kingston’s ass loving the wonderful sounds the move elicited from his beloved.
"I love your touch," Kingston mumbled and rubbed his face against Diego's dark hair.
"Let's go," Diego stated abruptly agreeing that the waiting was impossible. Kingston smiled and kissed him again.
"Yeah, now you're talking." They turned towards the door just as a light knock sounded from the other side. They stopped and stared at the door as if studying it for cracks before turning to gaze at each other. Diego stepped forward, and Kingston dropped back and to the side out of the view of whoever was at the door.
Diego released the lock and opened the door, and his expression instantly softened. He smiled while taking a deep lung full of the delicate scent of evergreen and sweet grass now permeating the room. Diego stepped back, and Kingston moved to see who was at the door but still remained several feet away. Diego waited to see the light in Kingston's eyes when he saw who their late-night visitor was.
"Come in, sweetheart," Diego said with a tone that was soft and cajoling but also persuasive. He was told he had a way with words and right now he was using all of his talents on this one young wolf. He saw Kingston standing back and carefully watching but also looking as pleased as he felt. Their beloved had come to them. He had searched them out.
Benny paused and looked around within the room, he was clearly unsure, but he also didn't look as if he wanted to leave. Diego reached out his hand and after a few seconds, Benny took it and walked inside. "We'll just leave the door open," Diego said sensing Benny's uneasiness.
"Thank you," Benny spoke for the first time and looked back and forth between them. Diego still holding his hand, led Benny over to the large sofa and had him take a seat. Diego then sat to his left and Kingston sat to his right. They left several inches between not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable. This was a delicate moment, and they didn't want to screw it up by being too eager like before.
“Do you now recognize us, Benny?” Diego asked the most important question.
Benny wanted to speak, but again he felt tongue-tied as he held Diego's hand and just sat there stiff and waiting, but for what he didn't know. What he did know was the truth of their relationship. The smells and emotions hit him the moment Diego opened the door. These men, both of them, were his mates. There was no doubt in his mind that these men belonged to him. Their scents were strong and undeniable. His wolf who was so fearful before now acted like an excited puppy in their presence.
Kingston’s blood was still singing to him and he wanted to reach over and touch, but he felt awkward making a move like that. They were close, and their intent seemed to keep him calm and reasonable. Benny hoped he could remain so and not embarrass himself like before.
His mates were breathtaking. Their confident masculinity filled the air and their good looks filled his appreciative gaze. They had seemed harsh, severe, and frightening when he first saw them and when they first approached him. But now they were showing him an unexpected tenderness and care that touched his heart and soothed his wolf.
They weren’t angry about the scene he caused or the trouble he gave them with Master Hadden. They were focused on him and making him at ease. They weren’t bad men. Benny forced his attention back to the question asked. He knew the answer they were looking for.
“You are my mates. I didn’t recognize you in the hallway because my crippling fear dampened all my senses. I’m sorry for that and the trouble I caused you.”
Benny looked back and forth between the two handsome but deadly men. He marveled at the fact he'd dared to seek them out and to speak with them. Normally men like this would be avoided at all costs, men like this didn't give the time of day to men like Benny Lakatos and that was the real point of uncertainty. How could they be pleased with Fate’s decision?
He gathered his courage and reached over and touched Kingston’s arm and looked him in the eyes. “I’m really sorry you got hurt. Master Hadden told me you were okay? Did you see Dr. Langley?”
Kingston was surprised when their beloved touched him so intimately and expressed genuine concern for his welfare. The bond, although faint, was pulling Benny out of his fright and pushing him towards them. He covered Benny’s hand with his own and reveled in the warmth of the sensations seeping through. Benny was a sweet man with a gentle heart. He glanced at Diego before responding and saw that he too was delighted in this turn of events.
“I’m fine, Benny. I heal fast.” He spoke with a tone that was as kind and understanding as he could muster, and he hoped it was enough.
“We understood your reaction once we gathered that you didn't recognize us as we had thought you would," Diego spoke softly. He and Kingston exchanged glances again and they both moved closer to Benny. "You have nothing to be sorry for. We should have tempered our reaction and approached you calmly like civilized beings." Diego leaned in and breathed in the scent of his beloved. Kingston saw the move so lifted Benny's hand and placed a gentle caress to his knuckles. Benny was gradually becoming amenable to their advances.
Benny clearly tried to stifle his moan but was not successful as it passed his lips. This was the first time since meeting Diego that Kingston found himself attracted to another. The affection he felt for Benny mirrored what he felt for Diego. This wolf was the man they’d been waiting for.
Kingston felt his body reacting to the nearness of the little wolf, and he felt his fangs lengthening as the stimulus continued to do its job. The urge to taste him was enormous, but this was something they needed to take a step at a time and at Benny's pace. Kingston leaned over and kissed Diego right in front of Benny hoping the intimacy would encourage the little man’s impulse to join them.
Diego followed Kingston’s lead and opened readily for his hot, penetrating kiss. He could hear Benny's heart rate escalate and his breathing was becoming labored as they continued their heated kiss a few inches from Benny's face. The moment was delicious in every way possible as the heavy scent of Benny's arousal permeated the air around them.
Diego ached to take Benny in his arms and show him what true mates, true beloveds could do. He and Kingston could make Benny’s body tremble with need and his wolf sing with satisfaction.
Benny was pretty sure he was going to come right there on their sofa while these two fascinating men made out with each other right in front of him. He could smell their arousal and see their desire, and it was fucking amazing. He wanted a piece of this so badly he was beginning to shake from the want of it.
He tightened his grip on their hands as he fought to hold himself back. These men were his mates. The sudden and complete acceptance of that fact shocked him for a moment. Kingston’s blond hair cut short and perfect and his crystal blue eyes called to him as did Diego’s darker countenance and black eyes. Everything about them was familiar and tempting him to touch.
They separated pausing the kiss but remained close as they turned to regard him. He looked into their questioning gazes and leaned forward accepting the invitation. Diego took Benny’s needy lips first consuming him and pushing for him to open and let him in which Benny did without hesitation. The kiss went deep and Diego’s tongue dueling with his own was turning up the heat and making him sweat. This man tasted so good and oh my God, Kingston’s hands were driving him insane.
Kingston was caressing and nipping on Benny’s shoulder. He could feel sharp teeth and a rough tongue sending his nerve endings into overdrive. The two of them were driving him out of his mind. No thought about fear or awkwardness or reticence, Benny was melting into their hands completely under their control and he wasn’t afraid.
Diego released Benny’s lips reluctantly and his head was quickly turned to Kingston who took them in a kiss that was equally breathless and urgent. The man seemed desperate to taste and devour and Benny had no quarrel with that. He felt a pinch on his lower lip and knew that Kingston had taken a taste. The thrill of it reached right down to his throbbing balls. He’d never been bitten before even though he lived in a coven. He’d heard it was very satisfying and that was no lie.
Any reserve Benny still felt dissolved with the touch of their hands, rough, large and powerful and they were everywhere. He registered another pinch on the pad of his thumb. Diego had also tasted him, and the effects on his body and his wolf were exhilarating.
He knew for sure that his eyes rolled back in his head when Diego cupped his balls and squeezed. This was getting real; he had no doubt these incredibly handsome men were going to take him places he'd never been. He began to thrust his hips enjoying the friction against Diego's grip.
Kingston tasted his beloved and it was exhilarating as well as tantalizing. The taste of the wolf was wild and provocative, a savor of the true beast within. He moved his lips to the tempting earlobe just begging to be mauled and dropped his hand to join Diego’s on Benny’s stiffening bulge. His mind was suddenly filled with visions of him and Diego in bed with Benny’s hot and eager body between them. It was the future Fate had designed.
Benny was having considerable trouble catching his breath, and his body was beginning to vibrate to the rhythm of the vampires. His wolf was swooning to the thick fragrance of arousal and the natural scent of its mates. He felt Diego’s hand open the buttons of his pants and slip his hand inside to tease the tip of Benny’s leaking cock. He was so hard he didn’t think he could survive much longer but what a way to go.
He watched Kingston squeeze Diego's hard bulge, and the watching was nearly as intoxicating as the feeling. This was a sexual dimension he thought never to indulge but had always been something that had interested him. Fate was so good, so knowing.
Gone were their jackets and ties and their shirts lay open exposing hard, smooth tanned flesh and Benny couldn't help but bury his face against Kingston's firm chest. It was erotic and fulfilling, but he needed more. He wantonly placed his hand on Kingston's growing bulge and felt the hardness twitch under his touch.
Kingston felt like they'd come home, all was as it should be as Benny began to lick and place small kisses to his neck and chest. This was Benny letting go, and Kingston loved it as much as he loved the satisfying sounds coming from his beloved Diego. He stroked Benny's hard flesh and nibbled his ear while Benny pleased him with his soft, tentative touches.
This was a bond that would never get old or stale. The three of them made a perfectly sensual union, but he wanted more. Benny's hand was tantalizing, but he wanted it on his flesh. If only they were naked and in bed, the things the three of them could do for one another.
Diego was getting aroused to the point of reaching down and opening his own pants for Kingston to get inside and massage his aching cock so pained with the need to come. With both Kingston and Benny there and touching him so intimately he was about to combust from the heat they were generating in his core.
He desperately wanted to take a taste as he ran his tongue along the tendons of Benny’s throat. The beating of his heart and the smells filling the room were almost more than he could bear. He caught Kingston’s lustful gaze over Benny's shoulder, and it was electrifying. Diego drug his fang gently across the surface of Benny's skin and longed to drink. Instead, he sucked on the area and thrust his cock into Kingston's firm grip searching for fulfillment.
Benny moaned with the sensation of Diego's sharp teeth on his shoulder and squeezed Kingston harder and suddenly Kingston's hand joined Diego's and together they began a rapid rhythm of stokes enflaming Benny's need to heights that made him catch his breath and close his eyes as he exploded coming in long hard streams. It was something he'd never experienced with any other lover, the intensity of the feelings and the power of it. He covered their hands and his own now softening member in a thick coat of warm seed.